Another disturbing measles occurance pops up from young person who had been to Edmonton

There are some health officials from Alberta who are currently sending out warnings to the public of Canada that there is potentially a serious case of measles exposure occurring at the moment following another case that popped up recently in a young child that had just been traveling to Edmonton. This is currently the second situation like this occurring in only so many days apart from each other. The disease is actually considered to be highly contagious and is quit a concern for other members of the public and for people living in and around that area as well.

However, it’s also important to realize that this particular child is from an asian nation who had traveled firstly from there to Vancouver and then onto Edmonton in Canada. This was all according to the reporting of a senior and well respected health reporter who goes by the name of Marcia Johnston.
What’s really scary about this situation is the people on board the flight that was also carrying this infected child. This actual flight number was the plane that was Air Canada and it was actually flight number AC 248 which left Vancouver around 830 and then arrived at its mentioned destination at around an hour later at 2135. People aboard that plane may also have been infected and to get it checked out as soon as they can.

Individuals aboard the international section of the airport at between 2135 and two in the morning of the day could also be at an increased risk of getting this disease.

People who had never had the problem or who had never received the vaccination that can actually ward it off could be at the very greatest risk of all of them. This particular individuals should stay alert to whether they have any possible symptoms or changes in their body and the way they are feeling at present. The main tell tale sort of signs of this problem include coughing, having a runny nose, red eyes or both of these symptoms put together. Other symptoms can also be having a fever or in other words a body temperature that can be measured by thermometer as being 38.3 or above that. People with measles will also experience redness, blotchy spots and a rash on the skin. This usually comes up on the skin around about 3-7 days following the initial fever that occurs. The rash or blotches will typically appear around the back of the ears as well as being on the face and can then go down the body and over to the leg area as well as the persons arms too. If you think you may have contracted this concerning problem please contact the health link over in the town of Alberta prior to considering going to a health clinic itself. This needs to be treated in isolation from other public health issues.

This problem or strain of measles is described as very contagious indeed
The spokes woman who got up and talked about the problem to the media also said that she was not able to talk about any information related to the condition and status of the young child who has the problem right at the moment. She also could not elaborate whether it is a canadian citizen or someone from another country.

She added that this particular child didn’t actually need to go to a hospital and had been recovering in the home of her family.

There hadn’t been any reports of anyone either on the flight or at the airport of the international terminal having reported any similar health issues either.

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